Grassellino was selected from a list of 50 Italian women who have excelled in their fields, and who left their mark on 2020. She heads Fermilab’s new quantum national center, the Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center. Read more here!

Center for Applied Physics and Superconducting Technologies
Grassellino was selected from a list of 50 Italian women who have excelled in their fields, and who left their mark on 2020. She heads Fermilab’s new quantum national center, the Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center. Read more here!
Fermilab-led initiative — one of just five elite National Quantum Initiative centers funded by the DOE — includes an interdisciplinary team of Northwestern faculty Read more here!
Chiral superconductors exhibit novel transport properties that depend on the topology of the order parameter, topology of the Fermi surface, the spectrum of bulk and edge Fermionic excitations, and the structure of the impurity potential. In the case of electronic…
CAPST researchers in Physics, Keenan Avers, William Halperin, and James Sauls, in collaboration with the neutron scattering team led by Morten Eskildsen at Notre Dame, report the discovery of Broken time-reversal symmetry in the topological superconductor UPt3: Topological properties of…
Classical liquids achieve co-rotation in a rotating container through the force of the walls on the fluid and viscous forces in the fluid. Quantum liquids, like Helium, are fundamentally different. They obey the laws of quantum mechanics in aggregate, with…
University’s quantum science strengths harness multidisciplinary talent. Imagine there are 20 playing cards laying side-by-side and face down on a table in front of you. You know that one of them is the queen of hearts, but you don’t know…